Erika and Weimer Culture!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Degenerate Art

Degenerate Art

- The Entartele Kunst Ausstellung or Degenerate Art Exhibition opened in Munich on 19 July 1937.
- All art put in the Degenerate Art Exhibition was considered shameful.
- Art was considered degenerate if
1. the art insulted National Sentiment
2. it was abstract
3. it destroyed natural forms
4. utilized unnatural colours
5. it exhibited unschooled and inadequate
6. identity of artist was left winged

The Degenerate Art movement was an important asset to history because it showed today's society that opinions against certain art did exist. One however cannot say that today’s society is any better. Most of us have opinions towards art be it positive or negative. Some might think that drawing a circle on a piece of paper can be considered art and should be appreciated while others believe that type of art is a waste. In class we discussed how the government sometimes believes that money should not be spent on buying certain pieces of art. Who then decides what “good” art is?


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